The latest Karajanist Community Letter focuses on Karajan’s interpretations of the Bruckner symphonies. Here is the link to this week’s Karajanist Community Letter. Read More →

Der Flügel des Literaturnobelpreisträgers Thomas Mann hat den Besitzer gewechselt: Der Enkel von Mann, Frido Mann (81) vermachte das Erbstück der Bundesrepublik Deutschland. Das Musikinstrument steht seit 2019 wieder im früheren Wohnhaus von Thomas Mann in Pacific Palisades im US-Bundesstaat Kalifornien. Es handelt sich um ein Instrument der Firma Wheelock, das Mann 1944 erwarb.


Bei einem Opern-Jugendcamp der Salzburger Festspiele sind vier Corona-Fälle aufgetreten. Zwanzig weitere Teilnehmer wurden als direkte Kontaktpersonen eingestuft, teilte das Festival mit. Read More →

The Philharmonic Hall in Simferopol, a Crimean city annexed by Russia in 2014, has collapsed, Russian media report. The building, home of the Crimean State Philharmonic, was built in 1871 and has recently been renovated. According to preliminary information, the load-bearing wall of the building was damaged during the work.

Gianluigi Gelmetti

Italian-Monegasque conductor Gianluigi Gelmetti is dead. He was 75 years old. Italian-born, naturalized Monaco citizen, he was a student of Sergiu Celibidache, Franco Ferrara and Hans Swarowsky. Read More →

Vilde Frang

Norwegian violinist Vilde Frang will be loaned the 1734 ‘Rode’ Guarneri del Gesù violin by a generous benefactor. The project was facilitated by Steven Smith of leading violin dealers J & A Beare and Stephan Jansen, co-founder of the Stretton Society, a private philanthropic club that supports classical music and musicians through various stringed instruments and platforms. Read More →

Joel Sandelson

Der 27-jährige Brite Joel Sandelson hat in Salzburg den Herbert von Karajan Young Conductors Award gewonnen. Der jedes zweite Jahr verliehene Preis wurde von einer Jury unter dem Vorsitz von Manfred Honeck vergeben. Sandelson habe « seine angeborene Musizierfreude in den Dienst der Musik gestellt und seine musikalischen Vorstellungen deutlich durchgesetzt », sagte Honeck. Read More →

Gidon Kremer
Photo: Sasha Gusov

Mit drei ausverkauften Konzerten des Windsbacher Knabenchores ging am Wochenende die Bachwoche Ansbach 2021 zu Ende. Von 30. Juli bis 8. August wurde Musik des Namensgebers Johann Sebastian Bach in insgesamt 33 Konzerten aufgeführt. Read More →

Earl Lee

The Boston Symphony Orchestra has appointed Korean-Canadian conductor Earl Lee, 37, as the orchestra’s new Assistant Conductor for a two-year term beginning with the 2021–22 season. He succeeds former Assistant Conductor Yu-An Chang whose term with the BSO ended in 2020. Mr. Lee will be one of two Assistant Conductors; he joins Anna Rakitina whose tenure continues through 2023. Read More →

Michael Tilson Thomas
Photo: SFS

Michael Tilson Thomas, 76, the former Music Director of the San Francisco Symphony, announced he would have to withdraw from concerts and spend the next several months recovering from surgery of a brain tumor and undergoing the post-surgical treatment. He described the surgery, which took place at the University of California at San Francisco Medical Center, as successful. Read More →

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