Bohdan Luts

First Prize and Audience Award were awarded to Ukranian violinist Bohdan Luts, 17, at the Alberto Lysy International Violin Competition inGstaad (Switzerland).

Bohdan will receive, as part of his prize, the loan of a fine violin made by Jean-Baptiste Vuillaume. He will be invited for concerts at the Gstaad Menuhin Festival, the Gstaad New Year Music Festival 2022 and the Festival Le bois qui chante 2023.

Bohdan Luts was born in Lviv, Ukraine, and began playing the violin at the age of six in Lviv. He currently studies at the International Menuhin Music Academy with Oleg Kaskiv, Guillaume Chilemme and Renaud Capuçon. Luts has won several prizes at international competitions, including the International Grumiaux Competition, the Lvivskiy Virtuoz International Competition and the Il Piccolo Violino Magico International Competition.

Second Prize ex-aequo was awarded to Simon Zhu, Wassili Wohlgemuth  and Mon-Fu Lee Hsu.

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