Gennady Rozhdestvensky

Russian conductor Gennady Rozhdestvensky, 85, refused to conduct a concert with the Russian National Orchestra in Paris after he found out that his name was not printed on the entrance tickets. Part of the program was then conducted by the concert’s soloist, Mikhail Pletnev, and when this one sat at the piano to play the Scriabin Concerto, the baton was picked up by the concertmaster of the orchestra, Alexei Bruni.

The audience was told that Gennady Rozhdestvensky was not able to go on stage for health reasons. However later, from Facebook publications by musicians of the orchestra, it was revealed that the reason why Rozhdestvensky cancelled was the same then Boston in 2008, the fact that on the small tickets the conductor’s name did not appear. At the same time on the posters, in the program brochure and on the Internet his name was specified. The old man is obviously as whimsical, narcissistic as generally unreliable.

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