Famous Parisian Pâtisserie Lenôtre and Opéra Comique collaborated in the creation of a new pastry called Le Favart, name of the opera house of the Opéra Comique in Paris.

To elaborate the flavors, the ingredients and the esthetics of this new pastry, a consultation was launched in October with the audience. A jury, comprising the manager of the opera house, Olivier Mantei, artists Sabine Devieilhe, Raphaël Pichon, Louise Moaty and Stéphane Degout, as well as executives of Lenôtre has now to select the winner among several prototypes of identical shape but with different ingredients. The cake is kind of a dome of red color and velvet aspect. Le Favart will be ready for production in February, 2017 for the St Valentine’s Day and the reopening of the opera house which is currently undergoing renovation.

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