This weekend, the facsimile edition of the autograph manuscripts of Mahler’s Ich bin der Welt abhanden gekommen is published by the Kaplan Foundation in New York. Mahler gave the orchestral manuscript as a birthday present to his friend Guido Adler. In 1941, the document was stolen from Adler’s apartment in Vienna. An grandson of Adler tracked the manuscript down, which is now available as facsimile.

The 92 page Kaplan Edition (37 x 29 cm.) reproduces not only the long lost manuscript of the version for orchestra but also the piano version, preliminary sketches as well as pages from a copy Alma Mahler made for the printer. Both the orchestra and piano versions as well as Alma’s copy are reproduced in their actual sizes. All these sources are analyzed in a comprehensive essay by Stephen Hefling, America’s leading Mahler scholar.

In addition to the facsimiles and commentary, there are three additional features: A chapter documenting the six performances of “Ich bin der Welt” that Mahler either conducted or accompanied on the piano (by Knud Martner); A discography listing 155 recordings of the song (by Pèter Fülöp); A CD of two recordings sung by Dietrich Fischer-Dieskau, accompanied in the orchestra version by the Berlin Philharmonic, led by Karl Böhm, and in the piano version by Leonard Bernstein.

Distributed by OMI – Old Manuscripts & Incunabula, New York
PO Box 6019, FDR Station
New York City 10150 USA
telephone (212) 758-1946

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