Dimitris Botinis

Good news from Greece: The New Broadcasting Corporation of Greece, NERIT, created its own symphony orchestra with 70 musicians, thus continuing the tradition of  ERT which was closed in 2013. The 24th of July the new orchestra – National Symphony Orchestra of NERIT – will give its first concert, which will take place in Pnyx, the place where the Assembly of the Athenians held its meetings. Pnyx is one of the most historical places in Greece and especially in Athens. The function of the large, theatre-like area on the hill west of the Acropolis had, in the past, been explained by a number of different theories, before it was securely identified as the Pnyx. The concert’s conductor will be Dimitris Botinis, who was born in 1986 in Moscow to a family of musicians and grew up in Greece.
The New Hellenic Radio Internet Television (NERIT) is the official public broadcaster of the country. It is a private legal entity with administrative and financial autonomy.

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