Maurice Ravel

The association Les Amis de Maurice Ravel has launched an international petition for the return of all missing documents and property of Maurice Ravel to the care of the public archives in France.

In his will, Edouard Ravel (1878-1960), the younger brother and  exclusive heir of the composer Maurice Ravel (1875-1937), bequeathed Le Belvédère, the composer’s home at Montfort-l’Amaury, to the ‘Réunion des  Musées  Nationaux’ in order to create a Ravel museum in memory of his brother. In 1959 he gave to the city of Levallois some of the composer’s belongings which came from his second home in this town.

Edouard Ravel had also expressed the wish that property of any kind which may have belonged to the composer should be preserved, especially his manuscripts and autograph sketches. Yet, it looks like a lot of documents have been spread all over the world, and the association is asking for the return of all of the missing documents and property of Maurice Ravel to the care of the public archives in France, where they may be freely consulted.

Anyone who supports the terms of this international petition may sign it by writing to the offices of the association, by post or by e-mail.

The list of signatories will be published on the association’s website where every information can be found:

  • Pizzicato

  • Archives