With its new Music Director Fabio Luisi, the Dallas Symphony Orchestra will implement a new strategic plan. Key initiatives include ‘Women in Classical Music’, designed to elevate the role of women in classical music and increase female representation in the field. The idea is to create dialogue about and opportunities for female musicians at all stages in their careers. Facets of this program include:
A ten-year program to commission 20 new works for the orchestra. This commissioning project will yield at least ten new works by female composers.
Appointment of a female Principal Guest Conductor. A search committee has been formed to identify a conductor for a two-year position that would lead the DSO for four weeks per season.
Women in Classical Music Symposium in 2019 – This intensive and comprehensive symposium will cover women’s issues in all areas of classical music including orchestra members, soloists, composers and conductors. It will also address current issues of women in the workplace including #metoo as well as connect people for mentorship opportunities.