Andris Nelsons

Entering into his sixth season, Andris Nelsons (34), the music director for the City of Birmingham Symphony Orchestra, has decided not to renew his current contract from the end of summer 2015. Nelsons says: « With an extremely heavy heart I have reached the decision not to continue in my role as music director with my beloved CBSO after the 2014-2015 season. I have enjoyed five great seasons with this incredible orchestra and, while I look forward to another two in my current role, this difficult decision comes in view of my new position with the Boston Symphony Orchestra alongside my wish to protect precious time with my young family. »

In 2008, Andris, a then relatively unknown conductor, was unanimously invited to be Music Director by the CBSO’s players, management and board of trustees following a private concert and recording session.

CBSO is now launching their search for our next Music Director is only just beginning, you can trust the CBSO to bring another outstanding talent to the podium in Birmingham.

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