Andris Nelsons

Approximately three weeks before the first performance, Andris Nelsons, the conductor of this year’s Parsifal in Bayreuth has slammed the door and walked out of the Wagner festival. The reasons for Nelson’s decision are not yet very clear. Some sources speak about major differences with stage director Uwe Eric Laufenberg and the Islam-critical content of his staging, other sources cite differences between Nelsons and Bayreuth’s music director Christian Thielemann. In some German reports it is said that Thielemann interfered too much with Nelson’s conducting.

UPDATE: A statement issued on behalf of Nelson says: “With utmost respect to the Bayreuth Festival’s management and staff, director and his team, assistant conductors, cast, orchestra and chorus, Andris Nelsons has asked the Festival’s management for rescission of his contract for this Summer’s production of Parsifal. Owing to a differing approach in various matters, the atmosphere at this year’s Bayreuth Festival did not develop in a mutually comfortable way for all parties. With regret, the Bayreuth Festival agree to Andris Nelsons’ request.”

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